Customer Reviews for SJS Carpet Cleaning

Customer Reviews for SJS Carpet Cleaning are an important way to be sure you are booking the very best carpet cleaning company in Leicester and Loughborough. Here are some of our 5-Star Reviews that customers have left for us on Facebook. If you don’t use Facebook, you may not be able to see them, so we have copied them here for you.
Mrs V B gave us 5 stars and said:
What an excellent job you did in getting my carpets cleaned! Never thought it possible for the stains to come out. I hired cleaning machines several times previously and apart from it being so cumbersome and heavy to drag along the cost amounted and the stains never even came out. I should have called you out sooner! Most certainly would have saved myself the time, money and a lot of effort. Will recommend you any time! Thank you also for taking such great care of my Afghan and other precious rugs!
Mrs R gave us 5 stars and Said:
Absolutely thrilled with results of your carpet cleaning, particularly removal of bad stain. Thank you so much.
Ms L B G gave us 5 stars and said:
Our carpet looks a million times better. Thank you! Great advice and service.
Ms R T gave us 5 stars and said:
Excellent 5 star, Brian and i are very happy with our carpets. Highly recommend this company.
For Data Confidentiality reasons, we cannot give the full names of our reviewers, but if you visit our Facebook page, you can see them for yourself and ask them any questions you may wish…