5 things you didn’t know about Cylinder Carpet Cleaners


You may have owned a cylinder carpet cleaner for years, or perhaps wonder whether to buy a new one. So here are 5 things you may not know about cylinder vacuum cleaners

  1. Cylinder carpet cleaners CAN be used on hard floors as well as carpets and can reach more difficult to reach places than any other style of vacuum cleaner

  2. They are GREAT at removing pet heir from floors, sofas, and beds.

  3. Ones that use BAGS have a larger capacity, but don’t be fooled. As the bag fills up, the suction reduces, as it has to pull through the collection of dust and dirt.

  4. Some cyclone cylinder machines trap bacteria and allergens in a small chamber, but be careful how you empty it!

  5. You don’t need to push and pull the suction head backwards and forwards in a lawn mower fashion. This will give you backache and take 4 times as long to clean the carpet.

The CORRECT method

Is to GENTLY and SLOWLY roll the brush head forwards, allowing it to wiggle on its own movement and giving it time for the brushes to lift the dirt, while it turns and flicks it up into the tube. 

Pushing and pulling at great speed is much too fast for this to happen, which is why you have to shove it back and forth over the same spot 4 times to lift the dust.  The correct way is a slower and gentle movement that works first time, and so takes a quarter of the time to complete the task, with no backache!

We hope that helps…